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Adrián Villar Rojas: Poems for Earthlings
More than 25,000 sandbags protect Amsterdam's oldest monument from impending doom.

Playing the Cathedral
A fundraising gala and full-day musical program to inaugurate the restored Vater-Müller organ of Oude Kerk, with site-specific performances by Philip Glass and Nicolás Jaar.

Children of the Light: Between Light
A 25-meter beam of light, bent under its own weight into a perfect horizon arc, moves continuously from floor to ceiling.

Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller
Fill the space with your own narrative soundtrack for the oldest building of Amsterdam.

Giorgio Andreotta Calò: Anastasis
A spine-tingling experience built with two simple ingredients: 1600 square meters of red cinematic filter and the everchanging nuances of daylight.

Christian Boltanski: NA
A labyrinth of black volumes fills the Oude Kerk, creating uncanny encounters with questions about our mortality and the memories we leave behind.

The Post-Fossil City Exhibition
An interactive exhibition presenting the 10 finalists of the Post-Fossil City Contest which called for new imaginaries for the city of the future without fossil fuels.

The City Migration Game
A serious game designed for 300 people to explore the complexities of designing cities that respond effectively and creatively to migration.

Imagining Urban Futures
A multidisciplinary conference exploring the importance of new imaginaries in creating future cities.

The Scenario Machine
A science fiction-based workshop designed to explore uncertain futures.

The City Innovation Game
A serious game format designed to aid residents of the Buiksloterham neighbourhood in lobbying for circular innovation and development.
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